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    Yankee Doodle

    Yankee Doodle had a mind
    To whip the Southern "traitors,"
    Because they didn't choose to live
    On codfish and potaters.
    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    And so to keep his courage up
    He took a drink of brandy.

    Yankee Doodle said he found
    By all the census figures,
    That he could starve the Rebels out
    If he could steal their niggers.

    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    And then he took another drink
    Of gunpowder and brandy.

    Yankee Doodle made a speech
    'Twas very full of feeling:
    I fear, says he, I cannot fight,
    But I am good at stealing.

    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    Hurrah for Lincoln, he's the boy
    To take a drop of brandy.

    Yankee Doodle drew his sword,
    And practiced all the passes;
    Come boys, we'll take another drink
    When we get to Manassas.

    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    They never reached Manassas plain,
    And never got the brandy.

    Yankee Doodle soon found out
    That Bull Run was no trifle;
    For if the North knew how to steal,
    The South knew how to rifle.

    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    'Tis very clear I took too much
    Of that infernal brandy.

    Yankee Doodle wheeled about,
    And scampered off at full run,
    And such a race was never seen
    As that he made at Bull Run.

    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    I haven't time to stop just now
    To take a drop of brandy.

    Yankee Doodle, Oh! For shame,
    You're always intermeddling;
    Let guns alone, they're dangerous things;
    You'd better stick to peddling.

    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    When next I go to Bully Run
    I'll throw away the brandy!

    Yankee Doodle, you had ought
    To be a little smarter;
    Instead of catching wooly heads
    I vow you've caught a tartar.

    Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
    Yankee Doodle dandy,
    Go to hum, you've had enough
    Of Rebels and of brandy!

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