From: War Songs Poems and Odes by R.W. Burt Peoria Illinois 1909
It oft' times has been told
That the Southern Rebels bold
Could flog the Union boys five to one so handy O.
But they'll find out very soon
That we're fighting to the tune
That the old folks call Yankee Doodle Dandy O.
We have a good old flag,
Nothing like the Rebel rag,
Always floating over Freemen neat and handy O.
On the banks of the Tennessee
It is waving cheerfully
To the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy O.
With that old flag and tune,
We'll fight from morn till noon,
And then we'll take our dinner neat and handy O.
And then from that till night,
The rebellious dogs we'll fight,
For the Union boys for fighting are the Dandy O.
We came down to Tennessee
To set her people free,
And we mean to do it neat and handy O.
That good old flag shall wave,
And the Union we will save,
For the Union boys for fighting are the Dandy O.
Secession shall not stand
In Columbia's happy land,
While Union boys can fight so brave and handy O.
Jeff. Davis must be hung
And some other Rebels strung
For the Union boys for fighting are the dandy O.
The Rebels we'll surround
Wherever they are found
"Till we get them all penned tight and handy O.
Then won't we dance and sing,
When we have them in the ring,
To the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy O.
Let Freedom's good flag wave
And Freedom's sons be brave
For Freedom always comes so neat and handy O.
If Secession raise its head
Strike the demon monster dead,
For the Union boys for fighting are the Dandy O.
And when the war is o'er,
And the fighting is no more
We'll return to our homes so neat and handy O.
Without shouting and hurrah
They will give us all eclat,
The Union boys for fighting are the Dandy O.